
  • 3月12日星期二

    On Tuesday, we enjoyed lunch at a Parisian restaurant and french ‘glace’ as a desert afterwards. We toured the streets of Paris throughout the day, regularly using the subway. As we toured, Madame was subtly hinting at a ‘surprise’. It transpired that the surprise was a night at a local karaoke bar. We enjoyed the night together with music and our “perfect” voices. We concluded our day with a trip to the Notre Dame and a beautiful view of Paris.
  • 3月10日星期日

    今天是美好的一天. We slept in and had cereal for breakfast, as usual. 她的阿姨、叔叔和堂兄弟都来了. We played French-English Pictionary and went to the skate park. Afterwards, we came back home and played Just 跳舞. The kids were so cute and we baked chocolate cookies together. Dinner was a little sad because we all realized that it was my last meal with the Rousseau family and the week had passed so fast. I’ll miss Louise and her family, but Paris was waiting for me! 埃德温娜
  • 3月9日星期六

    This morning I slept in while 我的主人 Juliette finished some of her homework. Then Juliette, her mom, her brother and I all sat down for lunch. Afterwards her little brother had to go tour a middle school so we all went there and spent a lot of the day there walking around and talking to some of Juliette’s old teachers. 因为学校离市中心很近, Juliette and I went to meet up with one of her friends who was also a host for someone from Groton. We all walked around downtown for a while and then went back home. Later on Juliette’s dad dropped us off at her friend’s house where we ate pizza and played games.玛雅
  • 3月8日-雪农索城堡 & Villandry

    今天是不同的:而不是去上课, the french students came with us to the Chenonceau and Villandry castles. We left the school at around 8:15 AM, and arrived at Chenonceau at around 10 AM. 立即, we were mesmerized by the fact that the castle was on water — a simple detail which made our experience even more special. 不像我们参观过的其他城堡, Chenonceau is often described as “the ladies’ chateau” or “Château des Dames” as throughout its history, it is they who have most influenced its design and its destiny.

    We all thought it was funny and a bit ironic that we visited one of the few castles with such strong women presence on International Women’s Day. One room that captivated us was the room of lady Louise of Lorraine. Her room was black and sombre compared to the other ladies’ room. 原因是因为她的丈夫, 亨利三世, was assassinated and one of his dying wish was that she stay in the castle and pray for him. 于是她就这么做了, 为了纪念他, she wore white and redesigned her room with symbol of death objects to illustrate her pain. 参观完城堡的房间后, we were all super hungry so we all had lunch at the designated picnic area. After lunch, we got back on the bus, and headed to the castle of Villandry. This castle was also different because it felt much more recent than the other ones. It was enormous and the gardens had impeccable designs. Following that, some of us stopped by the store, where we purchased some souvenirs. Then, we headed to the bus once again, and left for the school. Once we arrived at the school, we separated, and we each went with our correspondents. We’re all super excited for the weekend, and a bit sad to leave on Monday.
  • 南特,3月7日

    今天我们一行人坐火车去南特, where we roamed the streets admiring the different monuments. 首先,我们参观了河边的一座奴隶纪念碑. There were lights embedded on the concrete sidewalk, with the names of different slave ships written on them. We then walked downstairs to the main memorial cite, where we found a map with dates of when the slave trade and slavery were abolished in different countries. 还有一个走廊,上面写着领导人的语录, 艺术家, 奴隶, and political documents about freedom and equality. 参观纪念碑是一次震撼人心的经历.
  • 3月6日

    After a morning of classes, our correspondents came with us to visit the Angers Chateau. A beautiful and magnificent castle in the city of Angers. The chateau served as a fortress and a noble abode for the royal family for an extended period of time, and what is remained of it is now a tourist attraction and display for the elegant buildings and the ancient centuries-old Apocalypse Tapestry.
  • 3月5日,星期二 & 秘密地卢斯

    3月5日th, we did not have class in Saint Martin High School. Instead, we went on a two-hour road trip to Amboise, where Leonardo Da Vinci died. 我们在上午10点半左右到达小镇, having driven through a pleasant country of greenery very different from the monotonous grey at Groton. From there we took a walk toward the center of town, enjoying fresh air and traditional European houses lit up by rays of sunlight. 就在我们走在一条狭窄的街道上时, the road broadened and a huge castle was sitting on our right.
  • 愤怒,3月4日

    这是我们在法国的第一天! Angers is so beautiful and so different from a bustling American city. 在早晨, 作为Albane, 我的主人, 开车送她父母和我去上学, 我们经过了许多漂亮的房子, 他们的砖因年久失修,长满了青苔. 小, 蜿蜒的砖路几乎空无一人, except for a few students and cars trying to get by. 我们在一个广场中央停了下来, 周围都是小商店和咖啡馆, 走剩下的路去她的高中, or, 在法国, 儿子的公立中学.
  • 愤怒,3月3日

    Families at the Angers Saint-Laud train station to greet us. We were all excited to meet, families and students. 学生们和寄宿家庭一起离开了.
  • 巴黎戴高乐机场

    We had our first meal at a tea room bakery at Roissy where the students experienced their first macarons.